Showing 1-10 of 401 Books
Writing in Arabic as...

The main objective of the paper is to assess the effect of Google translation and other software applications on the...

ejournals Zouhir Gabsi
Wodel-Test a Model-Based Framework...

Mutation testing (MT) targets the assessment of test cases by measuring their efficiency to detect faults.

ejournals Pablo Gómez-Abajo,
What Predicts First- and...

Reading is a complex process that encompasses word recognition, fluency, and comprehension (Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011).

ejournals Kevin Kien Hoa Chung,
Vertical farming A potential...

Land for agriculture is becoming limited in urban areas and the concept of vertical farming could help increase land productivity.

ejournals Suwimon Wicharuck,
Variation in Academic Writing...

This research investigates disciplinary variations using syntactic features in Pakistani academic writing (AW).

ejournals Muhammad AHMAD,
Using Qualtrics XM to...

In 2020, Libraries and Cultural Resources (LCR) at the University of Calgary used Qualtrics XM to design and pilot a...

ejournals Matthew Black, Heather Ganshorn, Justine Wheeler
Three Puzzles for Phonological...

This squib describes three theoretically challenging phonological processes found in the Manide, Inagta Alabat, and Umiray Dumaget languages spoken on...

ejournals Jason W. Lobel, , Robert Blust, Erik Thomas
The Washback of the...

Understanding the IELTS washback on learning in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in higher education contexts remains limited.

ejournals Huu Thanh Minh Nguyen
The Vernacular in Anglo-Saxon...

This article offers a systematic analysis of the earliest uses in charters of the Anglo-Saxon vernacular, Old English, for purposes...

ejournals Robert Gallagher
The Variability of Linguistic...

Politeness is a universal concept present in all languages and cultures. Despite the universality of the general concept of politeness,...

ejournals Ana Koceva

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