Showing 31-40 of 165 Books
Specialised Software Application of...
The development of the system document models in the field of MR-PYRO was done taking into account the adaptation of...
ejournals Dan PINTILIE, Published On March 10, 2023
Social Media’s Untapped Potential...
This study investigates the use of social media in English language teaching and learning in a Vietnamese university and the...
ejournals Lan Thi Thu Nguyen Published On March 17, 2023
Sensitivity to Linguistic Register...
Linguistic register reflects changes in speech that depend on the situation, especially the status of listeners and listener-speaker relationships. Following...
ejournals Ayaka Ikeda, Tessei Kobayashi, Shoji Itakura Published On March 22, 2018
Selection and genetic dissimilarity...
This study was developed to carry out selection, estimate genetic parameters and predict individual genetic values of 55 genotypes from...
ejournals Mariana Quintas Maitan, Published On March 22, 2023
Secure Partitioning of Cloud...
The security of Cloud applications is a major concern for application developers and operators.
ejournals Alessandro Bocci, Published On March 31, 2023
Rhetorical Structure Variations in...
By employing Chen and Kuo’s (2012) framework, this study comparatively investigated the rhetorical differences/similarities existing in the Literature Review chapters...
ejournals Ahmed Rawdhan, Saman Ebadi, Nguyen Thi Thuy Loan Published On March 14, 2020
Review Expanding Writing Center...
Corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS) is a growing field of study that provides for holistic understandings of written texts, spoken discourse,...
ejournals Sara Swaim, Randall W. Monty Published On March 15, 2023
Resilience of Traditional Ritual...
Indigenous mountain people are often marginalized from mainstream development and are not able to express their concerns over the impacts...
ejournals Phanchung, Published On March 29, 2022
Religious Performance in Malang,...
The name of the worship place is closely related to history, ideology, power, and society. Naming a worship place is...
ejournals Dany Ardhian, Sumarlam, Dwi Purnanto, Henry Yustanto Published On March 4, 2021
Reckoning with Theoretical Research...
When theorizing, it is sometimes colloquially said “I reckon …” This essay attempts to reckon with theorizing by proposing a...
ejournals Nuri Heckler, Ryan Rouse Published On March 6, 2023

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