Showing 81-90 of 139 Books
Classroom Management – Strategies...
Classroom management is the process by which teachers and educational administrators manage and practice teaching techniques. This book on classroom...
Graduate Studies Orion Gutierrez Published On May 31, 2017
Classical Geometries in Modern...
The basic structure playing the key role in this book is a real inner product space (X, δ), i.e. a...
Graduate Studies Walter Benz Published On February 9, 2012
Classical Geometries in Modern...
The basic structure playing the key role in this book is a real inner product space (X, δ), i.e. a...
Graduate Studies Walter Benz Published On February 17, 2005
Chores and Domestic Life...
Throughout the history of juvenile literature, chores and images of domestic life have been ubiquitous motifs. This study explores the...
Graduate Studies Tyler R. Dunn Published On May 15, 2013
Children’s Exploration and Cultural...
It has been a dilemma in preschool education for some time about how to prepare children for school without drawing...
Graduate Studies Mariane Hedegaard, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard Published On May 29, 2020
Check Your English Vocabulary...
This workbook has been written for students who are planning to sit either the Academic or General Training modules of...
Graduate Studies Rawdon Wyatt Published On May 18, 2017
Challenges and Opportunities to...
The extant literature often declares that ‘ethical behavior is good for business,’ but the invoked reasons are often related to...
Graduate Studies Silvia L. Fotea, Ioan Ş. Fotea, Sebastian A. Văduva Published On April 22, 2020
Case Management and Care...
The United States healthcare system poses risks and unnecessary expense due to fragmentation and lack of care coordination.
Graduate Studies Janet Treadwell, Rebecca Perez, Debbie Stubbs, Jeanne W. McAllister, Susan Stern, Ruth Buzi Published On April 16, 2015
Calculus with Analytic Geometry,...
It is a curios fact that people who write thousand-page textbooks still seem to find it necessary to write prefaces...
Graduate Studies George F. Simons Published On February 15, 1996
Calculus Volume 3
Our Calculus Volume 3 textbook adheres to the scope and sequence of most general calculus courses nationwide. We have worked...
Graduate Studies Edwin "Jed" Herman, Gilbert Strang Published On February 14, 2018

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