Showing 11-20 of 26 Books
Global Health Collaboration-Challenges and...
In the era of Sustainable Development Goals, multinational non-governmental organizations (NGOs), grand challenges, and record numbers of students seeking educational...
Health Science Margaret S. Winchester, Caprice A. Knapp, Rhonda BeLue Published On September 13, 2018
Fundamentals of Clinical Data...
In the era of eHealth and personalized medicine, “big data” and “machine learning” are increasingly becoming part of the medical...
Health Science Pieter Kubben, Michel Dumontier, Andre Dekker Published On September 11, 2019
Food Lipids – Chemistry,...
The rst edition of Food Lipids was published in 1998 and the second edition in 2002 by Marcel Dekker, Inc....
Health Science Casimir C. Akoh Published On May 26, 2017
Food Anxiety in Globalising...
Imagine wandering around an open food market, tempted to satiate your appetite with something fresh and delicious. You come across...
Health Science Judith Ehlert, Nora Katharina Faltmann Published On September 30, 2019
Exploring Resilience-A Scientific Journey...
Resilience has become an important topic on the safety research agenda and in organizational practice.
Health Science Siri Wiig, Babette Fahlbruch Published On September 19, 2019
Evidence Use in Health...
There have been many calls for better evidence and better use of evidence in health policy making in specific countries...
Health Science Justin Parkhurst, Stefanie Ettelt, Benjamin Hawkins Published On September 6, 2018
Economical And Nutritious Alternate...
Alternate foods can help alleviate the malnutrition problem in the coun­ try. Alternate foods include plant and, animal sources traditionally...
Health Science Cecilia A. Florencio Published On September 16, 1986
Diseases of the Brain,...
The International Diagnostic Course in Davos (IDKD) is a unique learning experience for radiologists, nuclear physicians, and clinicians. The course...
Health Science Juerg Hodler, Rahel A. Kubik-Huch, Gustav K. von Schulthess Published On September 16, 2020
Diseases of the Abdomen...
In recent years, there have been dramatic developments in imaging assessment of renal tumors and their treatment.
Health Science Juerg Hodler, Rahel A. Kubik-Huch, Gustav K. von Schulthess Published On September 6, 2018
Disability Health and Human...
In low-income countries, there has been very little research on disability and its link to deprivations. Much of the research...
Health Science Shaun Grech, Nora Groce, Sophie Mitra Published On September 13, 2018

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