Showing 21-30 of 45 Books
Legal Dynamics Of EU...
Harold Wilson famously remarked that a week is a long time in politics. Law would seem to be different, in...
Criminal Justice Education Henri de Waele Published On July 21, 2017
Krav Maga for Women...
Krav Maga for Women is about teaching women how to protect themselves against violent attacks that m ay occur in...
Criminal Justice Education Darren Levine, Ryan Hoover, Kelly Campbell Published On July 20, 2012
Juvenile Delinquency – Theory,...
In their jointly published report “The Rest of Their Lives: Life without Parole for Child Offenders in the United States,”...
Criminal Justice Education Larry J. Siegel, Brandon C. Welsh Published On July 23, 2009
Introductory Computer Forensics –...
Internet technology is advancing at a speed beyond comprehension. With ever- advancing Internet technology, we truly are living in a...
Criminal Justice Education Xiaodong Lin Published On July 12, 2018
Introduction to Law, 2nd...
The Introduction to Law that you are now holding in your hands is special in the sense that it introduces...
Criminal Justice Education Jaap Hage, Antonia Waltermann, Bram Akkermans Published On July 20, 2017
Introduction to Forensic Psychology,...
Our basic aim in preparing this new, second edition is to provide a text on the role of psychology in...
Criminal Justice Education Bruce A. Arrigo, Stacey L. Shipley Published On July 29, 2005
Introduction to Forensic Chemistry
Forensic chemistry is a subdiscipline of forensic science. Its principles guide the analyses performed in modern forensic laboratories.
Criminal Justice Education Kelly M. Elkins Published On July 18, 2019
International Humanitarian Action –...
NOHA (The Network on Humanitarian Action) is an international association of 12 European universities and five global partner universities. The...
Criminal Justice Education Robin Ramsahye Published On July 6, 2018
Handgun Training – Practice...
When shooting instructors get together, a common topic of conversation is shooting drills. Everyone wants to find a new, exciting...
Criminal Justice Education Grant Cunningham Published On July 23, 2015
Handbook of Quantitative Criminology
Quantitative criminology has certainly come a long way since I was first introduced to a largely qualitative criminology some 40...
Criminal Justice Education Alex R. Piquero, David Weisburd Published On July 23, 2010

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