Showing 41-45 of 45 Books
Complete Krav Maga –...
This boo k i s a valu able res ourc e th at will ab solutel y im prove you...
Criminal Justice Education Darren Levine, John Whitman Published On July 21, 2016
Complete Krav Maga –...
This book is a valuable resource that will absolutely improve your knowledge of Krav Maga and make you safer, but...
Criminal Justice Education Darren Levine, John Whitman Published On July 27, 2007
Basic Concepts of Chemistry,...
What could be more peaceful than a campfire silhouetted by the night sky? Actually, the sky and the fire were...
Criminal Justice Education Leo J. Malone, Theodore O. Dolter Published On June 18, 2010
Advanced Topics in Forensic...
Since the second edition of Forensic DNA Typing was written in 2004, a great deal has happened in the field...
Criminal Justice Education John M. Butler Published On June 22, 2012
A Profile of Juvenile...
In recent years, there has been growing concern regarding juvenile crime and the desire to develop preventive strategies to reduce...
Criminal Justice Education The Research and Analysis Unit

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