Showing 111-120 of 165 Books
Digital Inclusion in English...
In this paper authors research the digital inclusion in English language teaching in Ukraine. The authors concentrate on the investigation...
ejournals Iryna Simkova, Published On March 1, 2024
Development and Application of...
In order to simplify the procedure of objective evaluation of martial arts athletes’ physical fitness, and to combine the software...
ejournals Xin Hu, Chaobing Yan Published On March 13, 2020
Developing Students’ Linguistic and...
The ability to actively participate in the learning process is critical for students to achieve higher levels of academic performance...
ejournals Iryna Khodos, Jaime Hunt Published On March 9, 2022
Determinants of Grader Agreement...
The ’short answer’ question format is a widely used tool in educational assessment, in which students write one to three...
ejournals Ulrike Pado, Sebastian Pado Published On March 11, 2021
Deconstructing Applied Linguistics Conference...
Following Swales’ (1990) influential study on research article (RA) introductions, some attention has increasingly been paid to other rhetorical units...
ejournals Joseph B. A. Afful, Christopher Ankomah Published On March 11, 2020
Decision support tools for...
Shortly after World War II, techniques to mathematically simulate processes that guide management practices began to percolate from the industrial...
ejournals Caroline Battheu-Noirfalise, , Uploaded by Diffun Campus Published On April 13, 2022
Current Landscape of English...
This study sought to provide a comprehensive analysis of English language teaching (ELT) research in Southeast Asia (SEA) using both...
ejournals Bui My Ngoc, Jessie S. Barrot Published On March 17, 2022
Crop management effects on...
Nitrate leaching from soil is a major problem in New Zealand pastoral systems, requiring development of practical methods to manage...
ejournals John M. de Ruiter, , Uploaded by Diffun Campus Published On April 18, 2019
Contrasting Diversity Values Statistical...
Ecologists often contrast diversity (species richness and abundances) using tests for comparing means or indices.
ejournals Ian MacGregor-Fors, Mark E. Payton Published On March 19, 2013
Constraints encountered by nursery...
A nursery operator survey was conducted to identify major constraints encountered by nursery operators for tree nursery establishment in Burundi.
ejournals Deo Havyarimana, Published On March 21, 2018

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