Showing 1-10 of 96 Books
Writing Techniques In Creative...
Greatness in writing can be seen in the economy of words, woven beautifully, naked in the retelling of the tale....
General Collection Sonia B. SyGaco, PhD Published On October 17, 2017
Understanding The Self
Understanding the self is a fundamental course in the General Education curriculum for tertiary education. It is designed to help...
General Collection Eden Joy Pastor Alata, Bernardo Nicolas Caslib, Jr., Janice Patria Javier Serafica, R.A. Pawilen Published On October 17, 2018
Technical Report Writing And...
Most police officers have realized that they need to learn how to make police reports. Making reports is inherent in...
Criminal Justice Education, General Collection Fernando B. Padduyao. PhD Published On October 19, 2021
Statistics-5th Edition
Statistics Fifth Edition is especially written for students taking the introductory course of statistics. The contents of the book are...
General Collection, Mathematics Lau Too Kya, Phang Yook Ngor, Zainudin Awang Published On June 14, 2022
Social Research A Deductive...
The most common difficulty encountered by social researchers is how to identify a problem for research. It may be possible...
General Collection Milagros Z. Reyes, Ed.D.
Social Philosophy 2
The conceptualized of this book was driven both by a need for an adequate reference on the subject; and by...
General Collection Adelaida B, Almeida, Ed.D. Published On October 31, 2005
Smart Guide To Apprenticeship...
The Philippines, as a developing country, has been a favorite source of manpower requirements of most developed and other developing...
General Collection Danny Araneta Cabulay, Chrisine Palafox Carpio Published On October 20, 2009
Science, Technology, And Society
Science may be defined as the system of knowledge of the natural world gained through the scientific method. It was...
General Collection Daniel Joseph McNamara, SJ, Vida Mia Valverde, Ramon Beleno III Published On October 23, 2018
Science, Technology, And Society
Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is an essential course in the General Education curriculum for tertiary education. It was conceptualized...
General Collection Janice Patria Javier Serafica, Greg Tabios Pawilen, Bernardo Nicolas Caslib, Jr, Eden Joy Pastor Alata Published On October 30, 2018

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