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Agroforestry Systems in the Upper Mara River Basin

 Author: Verina Ingram, Wilma Jans, Joseph Hitimana, Saskia Werners, Arjen Spijkerman, Jochen Froebrich, Bernard Ndolo, Hanneke Heesmans, Jaclyn Rooker  Publisher: Wageningen University & Research  Published: February 15, 2017  ISBN: 978-94-6343-224-5  Pages: 64  Country: The Netherlands, Kenya  Language: English  View

Farming is a tough business with a strong competition and high risks. One way to make your farm competitive is to produce more on the same plot of land in a growing season and with lower costs. Innovation can also help. Information that helps you to test new practices to see what works for you, and knowing how to increase farm production sustainability, and respond to market information is key. This guide aims to provide such information for farmers in the Upper Mara River Basin in Kenya, providing practical guidance on agroforestry: growing trees in combination with agricultural crops.

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