Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) is one of the world’s most ancient food crops, with a history of more than...
The purpose of the study is to analyze the functions of a cost management system in modern organizational management.
This review article introduces nutrition and functional food ingredients, explaining the widely cited terms of bioactivity, bioaccessibility, and bioavailability.
Conceptions of teacher leadership are trending away from formal titles and positions to embrace a more informal, integrated approach.
The information that crops offer is turned into profitable decisions only when efficiently managed. Current advances in data management are...
In nowadays' explosion of technologies and mediums of communication, there is a recurrence of the pattern of dissemination of the...
This qualitative research study sought to understand teachers’ resistance to English language educational change in Kyrgyzstan.
Paulo Freire’s philosophy of education, popularized via his magnum opus, The Pedagogy of the oppressed (2000 [1970]) ‘shocked’ the world,...
Basic computer skills are essential for authors writing research papers as it has the potential to make the task easier...
The apparel industry, which includes the clothing/garment sector, encompasses the supply chain of clothing and garments, starting with the textile...