Showing 1-10 of 641 Books
Writing Techniques In Creative...
Greatness in writing can be seen in the economy of words, woven beautifully, naked in the retelling of the tale....
General Collection Sonia B. SyGaco, PhD Published On October 17, 2017
Writing in Arabic as...
The main objective of the paper is to assess the effect of Google translation and other software applications on the...
ejournals Zouhir Gabsi Published On March 19, 2020
Working in Hotels and...
The second edition of any academic book is always an occasion for pride and celebration on the part of its...
Hotel Industry and Tourism Management Roy C. Wood Published On October 20, 1997
Workbook On Care Of...
The journey of a woman is so amazing. Being one made me love to share the story of how a...
Health Science Mary Joy B. Sande Published On September 18, 2020
Wood Adhesives – Chemistry...
Wood Adhesives: Chemistry and Technology, Volume 1 was written as a basic textbook for adhesives chemists and wood technologists training...
Forestry A. Pizzi Published On February 24, 1989
Wodel-Test a Model-Based Framework...
Mutation testing (MT) targets the assessment of test cases by measuring their efficiency to detect faults.
ejournals Pablo Gómez-Abajo, Published On March 11, 2020
What Predicts First- and...
Reading is a complex process that encompasses word recognition, fluency, and comprehension (Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011).
ejournals Kevin Kien Hoa Chung, Published On March 16, 2022
Weapons of Fitness –...
I had always subscribed to the belief that women were far more likely to be victimized by men because they...
Criminal Justice Education Avital Zeisler Published On July 30, 2015
Water Irrigation Management and...
Irrigation water contains a mixture of naturally occuring salts. Soils irrigated with this water will contain a similarmix but with...
Forestry Austin Short Published On February 15, 2018
Vertical farming A potential...
Land for agriculture is becoming limited in urban areas and the concept of vertical farming could help increase land productivity.
ejournals Suwimon Wicharuck, Published On March 15, 2023

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