Showing 41-50 of 139 Books
Decision Making Under Uncertainty...
This book provides an introduction to decision making under uncertainty from a computational perspective. The aim of the first part...
Graduate Studies Mykel J. Kochenderfer Published On January 15, 2015
Debating Equal Pay for...
his series will take a refreshing and creative approach to business management research, consisting of a number of edited collections...
Graduate Studies Anders Örtenblad Published On January 7, 2021
Data Analysis with R
I'm going to shoot it to you straight: there are a lot of books about data analysis and the R...
Graduate Studies Tony Fischetti Published On February 13, 2015
Customer Relationship Management –...
Customer relationship management (CRM) as a strategy and as a technology has gone through an amazing evolutionary journey. After the...
Graduate Studies V. Kumar, Werner Reinartz Published On January 17, 2018
Curriculum, Plans, and Processes...
People who have enjoyed regular education often remember how the way that teachers modeled their instruction helped their understanding and...
Graduate Studies Norbert M. Seel, Sanne Dijkstra Published On January 22, 2004
Curriculum Models for the...
Changing student profiles and the increasing availability of mainstream and specialised learning technologies are stretching the traditional models of teaching...
Graduate Studies Maree Gosper, Dirk Ifenthaler Published On January 8, 2014
Curriculum Framework – Education...
The Curriculum Framework for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) helps to implement the national strategy “from project to structure”. It...
Graduate Studies Jörg-Robert Schreiber, Hannes Siege Published On January 14, 2016
Curriculum Development in Nursing...
Nurse educators always have a dual role—they are both nurses and educators. As nurses they often have a specialty, such...
Graduate Studies Leana R. Uys, Nomthandazo S. Gwele Published On January 13, 2005
Curriculum Development in Language...
The activities of language teaching have often been viewed from a very narrow perspective. This is evident from the fascination...
Graduate Studies Jack C. Richards Published On January 25, 2001
Curriculum Design and Classroom...
The constantly changing landscape of Curriculum Design and Classroom Management makes it challenging for experts and practitioners to stay informed...
Graduate Studies Information Resources Management Association Published On January 1, 2015

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