Showing 1-10 of 45 Books
Weapons of Fitness –...
I had always subscribed to the belief that women were far more likely to be victimized by men because they...
Criminal Justice Education Avital Zeisler Published On July 30, 2015
The Ultimate Mixed Martial...
For thousands of years, the thrill of seeing two athletes engaged in martial competition has garnered our attention as human...
Criminal Justice Education Danny Plyler, Chad Seibert Published On July 10, 2009
The Handbook of Juvenile...
The handbooks in this series will be comprehensive, academic reference works on leading topics in criminology and criminal justice.
Criminal Justice Education Marvin D. Krohn, Jodi Lane Published On July 24, 2015
The Essentials Of Forensic...
This treatise is designed to provide a brief and essentially practical guide to current teaching in Forensic Medicine with pmticular...
Criminal Justice Education Dr. K.S. Narayan Reddy, Dr. O.P. Murty Published On July 24, 2014
Textbook of Forensic Medicine...
In the present civilised society, every crime ought to be punished and a criminal must be taken to task.
Criminal Justice Education Krishan Vij Published On July 23, 2011
Terrorism and Organized Hate...
Since September 11, 2001, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and law enforcement agencies nationwide have been thrust into...
Criminal Justice Education Michael R. Ronczkowski Published On July 13, 2018
Ten Thousand Democracies –...
The essence of democracy is popular sovereignty—the people rule.
Criminal Justice Education Michael B. Berkman, Eric Plutzer Published On July 29, 2005
Technical Report Writing And...
Most police officers have realized that they need to learn how to make police reports. Making reports is inherent in...
Criminal Justice Education, General Collection Fernando B. Padduyao. PhD Published On October 19, 2021
Taxation in European Union,...
The “European tax law” is a set of regulations issued by the EU institutions and designed to provide the control...
Criminal Justice Education Pietro Boria Published On July 21, 2017
Studies of Organized Crime...
Our investigation into the role of women in organized crime sprang from the great tradition in Palermo of research on...
Criminal Justice Education Giovanni Fiandaca Published On July 13, 2007

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