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Agribusiness as The Future of Agriculture

 Author: Youssef M. Hamada  Publisher: © 2021 by Apple Academic Press, Inc.  Published: May 3, 2021  ISBN: 978-1-77188-842-4  ISBN: 978-0-42932-170-2  Pages: 326  Country: US  Language: English  View

Agribusiness could be a comprehensive concept shelters input suppliers, agro-processors, exporters, traders, and retailers. Business delivers inputs to farmers and joins them to customers through the handling, financing, storage, processing, marketing, transportation, and delivering of agro- industry product and maybe disintegrated further into four main teams (Yumkella et al., 2011):

  1. Agribusiness could be a comprehensive concept shelters input suppliers, agro-processors, exporters, traders, and retailers. Business delivers inputs to farmers and joins them to customers through the handling, financing, storage, processing, marketing, transportation, and delivering of agro- industry product and maybe disintegrated further into four main teams (Yumkella et al., 2011):
  2. Agro-industry: Like food and beverages industry; tobacco product, animal skin and animal skin products; textile, footwear, and garment; wood and wood product; rubber products; yet as industry products supported agricultural materials;
  3. Instrumentation for process agricultural raw materials, as well as machinery, tools, storage facilities, cooling technology, and spare parts;
  4. Numerous services, financing, marketing, and distribution compa- nies, as well as storage, transport, ICTs, packaging materials and style for higher promoting and distribution.

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